I'm getting married today. To Shawn. Shawn and I are getting married. Today. It's a huge big feeling that I can't even describe... I've waited for this day for so long, and now that it is finally here I can't even describe how I'm feeling! I'm excited/nervous/thrilled/giddy/sleepless/exhausted/happy it's finally here/sad it's already here - does that make even the slightest bit of sense??
Milo 'talks' to Harley all the time... sometimes Harley 'talks' back (mostly he just leaves!)... I'm trying to get a good one of the two of them when they really get going in unison, but they're on to me!
03 August 2009
found this on my morning blog hopping (unfortunately my computer reset/crashed/hiccuped before I could get the website link, so if it was your blog, thanks!)... somewhat appropriate, seeing as today is, in fact, my birthday! Thanks to everyone for the sweet birthday wishes on Twitter & FB, and for the phone calls!